Friday, January 2, 2015

Helveticana Reforms with the Adoption of New Constitution

Today, the former State of Helveticana reformed itself into an empire when its president ratified a new constitution. The new constitution, which is fifteen pages long (including the title page) and consisting of more than 3800 words reestablished Helveticana as an empire with socialist values and crowned the previous president, Adam Judge, as the first Emperor.
The main reasoning for this change was that the previous constitution was badly written and established a shaky government. The new constitution was written with hopes of making Helveticana a larger micronational power and a generally greater nation for its people.
You can read the new constitution for yourself here. The Emperor states that he will spend the first few days to few weeks of his reign working on laws to solidify the internal affairs of the Empire, such as working out provincial borders, appointing government members, and finding new citizens, but after that he plans on attempting to enter the micronational community by trying to establish foreign relations. The Emperor also stated that while for the time being, he will go by "Emperor Adam I," he plans on trying to come up with an alias for himself, as so that there will not be confusion between him and Emperor Adam I of Adammia.
Helveticana and its people hope to make 2015 a wonderful year of achievement.


  1. The Principality of Imvrassia welcomes the constitutional change in your country and wish you good progress and success in your goals.


    Aggelos A'
    Prince of Imvrassia

    1. Thank you so much! I hope that you all had a great holiday season and that you will have a year full of achievement in 2015. Maybe once the Empire is better developed and ready our nations could seek cooperation.

      Adam Judge
      Emperor of Helveticana
